Providing comprehensive, professional, and environmentally sustainable resource management services, we create value for our partners on every project.
About Resource Management
Our Story
A Passion for Forestry
KDL Resource Management started from humble beginnings nearly 20 years ago, with forestry and resource management as a logical addition to the harvesting and hauling business. Most of the Meraki leadership team started their careers in forestry and have formal education as well as a keen interest in professional forestry and forest management.
Locally Grown
Our forest management business started with a handful of woodlots and a partnership with the District of Fort St. James in 2001 to pursue and develop what is now the Fort St. James Community Forest. Since then, KDL, now Meraki Resources, has owned, operated, and provided management services on a wide range of forest licenses and timber opportunities, often in excess of 1 million meters per year.
Comprehensive Resource Management Solutions
KDL Resource Management operates three professional forestry divisions in Prince George, Fort St. James, and Mackenzie, and offers project management throughout the province. We specialize in comprehensive tenure and forest management, working with our partners to develop opportunities, manage tenures, and market forest products.
Today and Tomorrow
We continue to be proud partners with the District of Fort St. James, Nak’azdli Whut’en, Tsay Keh Dene First Nation, Yekooche First Nation, Binche Whut’en, and Wet’suwet’en First Nation. You can learn more about these partnerships below. KDL Resource Management also continues to grow and develop a strong team of natural resource professionals, and we are excited about the future of resource management in British Columbia.
Our Services
What We Do
If you need a project managed, you can count on us! In over 25 years of working as a forestry consultant, we’ve learned a thing or two about resource management.
- Professional Services
- Integrated Resource Management Plans
- Forest Tenure Management
- Forest Stewardship Plans
- Project Management
- Forest Policy Analysis
- Community Wildfire Protection Plans
- Delivered Fibre Cost Modelling
- Economic Analysis
- Forest Health Strategies
- Forest Landscape Planning
- Forestry Services
- Cutting permit submissions
- Timber reconnaissance
- Road location
- Cut-block layout
- GPS traversing
- Timber cruising
- Harvest plans
- Timber Appraisals
- Harvest and silviculture treatment supervision
- Silviculture surveys and professional prescriptions
- Silviculture site plans
- Final Harvest Inspections, Waste & Residue Surveys
- Road Deactivation Prescriptions And Supervision
- Timber volume and decay studies
- Forest Inventory and valuations
- Invasive plant management
- Logging and road construction supervision
- Woodlot and small scale salvage acquisition and development
- Indigenous Forestry Training and Capacity Building
- Access Development Planning
- Simple Bridge Site Plan Surveys
- Conceptual Designs And General Arrangement Drawings (Simple Crossings)
- GIS Services
- Geographic Information Systems
- Forest inventory analysis and mapping
- Database analysis
- Forest Operations Mapping
- Visual impact modelling
- Electronic Forest Tenure Submissions (FTA: RESULTS: LRM)
Tenure Management
KDL Resource Management has a proven track record in successful forestry related partnerships with a number of Community Forests, Woodlot owners and Indigenous communities. We have worked with Na’kazdli Whut’en First Nation, Tsay Keh Dene Nation, Wet’suwet’en First Nation and Yekooche First Nation, Fort St. James Community Forest and McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest. At KDL Resource Management we value and pride ourselves on:
- Formal agreements with a long-term commitment – not just a “for service contract”
- True co-management with community input at every phase
- Investment of time and resources up front to ensure success
- Ensuring the inclusion of administration, planning, field work, marketing, sales, harvesting and all silviculture obligations
- The commitment to train and hire community members to help build capacity, knowledge and skills.
In accordance with the Forest and Range Practices Amendment Act, we provide Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) information via the Forest Operations Maps for public review and comment.
Indigenous Project Management Agreements
We are proud to support communities in building capacity and creating economic possibilities. Working with Wet’suwet’en First Nation and the Yinka Dene Economic Development Limited Partnership (YLP), KDL Resource Management and YLP have been awarded a number of forestry related projects on the Coastal Gas Link pipeline in Northern BC. These joint projects have helped build meaningful participation and create employment and economic opportunities for WFN.
Community Based Training & Employment
Our in-community, three-week Forestry Tech Bridging Program was developed to help students gain an understanding of the forestry skills required for entry level positions and what a career in forestry may entail. Students learned skills in: Planning, Layout and development, Harvesting, and Silviculture. From in class work to hands on, practical field training, graduates from this program are ready for employment with Meraki Resources.
Join Our Team
KDL Resource Management is made up of a team passionate and dedicated forestry professionals. We believe that the future of forestry needs ethical, sustainable, and modern solutions. It also needs talented individuals like yourself. We treat you like family, and in our industry, there’s an endless stream of opportunities waiting for you. Our open positions are shared through our Indeed site.
Our People
Our Management Team
At KDL Resource Management, we’re like family. Our leaders are the foundation of our organization. Together, they help us manage and carry out forestry projects in a sustainable, professional way.
Greg Pearson General Manager of KDL Resource Management
Mark Pride Divisional Manager, Mackenzie
Darryl Valk Operations Manager, Fort St. James & Prince George
Nicholas Dormaar Manager of Major Projects and New Business, Prince George
Wamona Yliruusi Controller
Let's Talk
Have a question? Need some help on a project? Contact us today to get started. We look forward to being your next resource management partner.
Prince George Office Address
805 4th Avenue
Prince George
BC V2L 3H5
Phone Number: (250) 564 3808
Mackenzie Office Address
1200 Mill Road
BC V0J 2C0
Phone Number: (250) 997 3333
Fort St. James Office Address
561 Stuart Drive West
Fort St. James
BC V0J 1P0
Phone Number: (250) 996 8032
Contact Us
Visit the main Meraki Contact page to view contact Meraki’s other subsidiaries or to get additional departmental contact information.